April 1, 2021

Malocclusion – AKA a Bad Bite

Crane & Seager orthodontics blog post Malocclusion - AKA a Bad Bite Dental model of upper and lower teeth orthodontics, living with braces, common treatments, orthodontist in lovelace colorado, orthodontist in ft. collins colorado, orthodontics for adults children and teens, Invisalign® in colorado, Invisalign® in ft. collins, co

You might be wondering, what is a malocclusion? Well, a healthy occlusion refers to the way that your teeth and jaws are well aligned and function perfectly. So that means a malocclusion, more commonly referred to as a “bad bite,” means either the teeth, the jaws, or both are not in the correct positions or function properly.


There are many dental issues, which can affect the positions of the teeth and jaws that require orthodontic treatment to resolve. A malocclusion may be due to crowding, spacing, problems with jaw development, or the failure of certain teeth to erupt into their proper positions. Harmful oral habits such as finger sucking or tongue thrusting can also cause bite problems as well as the drifting of teeth into the unrestored spaces left by dental extractions or tooth loss. And, both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the development of a malocclusion. Injuries that cause a misalignment of the jaws and diseases such as oral tumors can also play a role in changing the occlusion.

You may be considering orthodontics to aid you in achieving the straight, beautiful smile of your dreams. The goal of orthodontics is not only to create an attractive smile but to correct a malocclusion (a bad bite) in order to promote oral health. It is important to note that malocclusion can be treated at any age. Today greater numbers of adults are actively seeking treatment for either crooked teeth or jaw problems that have bothered them since childhood, as well as to address teeth that have shifted over time due to extractions, habits, or abnormal bite patterns.

While malocclusions can be observed with a clinical exam, a more comprehensive assessment is required to make a complete diagnosis and to develop the most appropriate plan of care. At Crane & Seager Orthodontics, both Dr. Mark Crane and Dr. Craig Seager are happy to provide their patients with a number of orthodontic services. Orthodontics utilizes physics to slowly move teeth into the proper position. This is performed by using corrective appliances, including braces and retainers. In addition to the traditional bracket and wire metal braces you’re probably most familiar with, these Fort Collins and Loveland orthodontists also offer Invisalign® for those who may be discouraged by the unaesthetic and unattractive look of traditional metal braces


If you are looking to correct your Malocclusion or bad bite, we can help. Our expert orthodontists can help correct your smile. Our main goal is to help you achieve your best smile in the healthiest and most efficient way. Schedule a consultation today!

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